Below you will find a list of private portfolio projects which have taken place independently of my publications and professional projects.
Computer Vision and Deep Learning:
- Skin Cancer Detector (since 2019) [code]
- Tool for the medical analysis of moles.
- Deploy a Sentiment Analysis Model (2019) [code]
- Train and deploy a PyTorch sentiment analysis model using Amazon SageMaker on AWS
- Generate Faces (2019) [code]
- Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks to generate faces of non-existing celebrities
- Generate TV Scripts (2019) [code]
- Build a recurrent neural network with PyTorch to process text. Use it to generate new episodes of your favorite TV show, based on old scripts
- Dog Breed Classifier (2019) [code]
- Design and train a convolutional neural network to analyze images of dogs and correctly identify their breeds
- Predicting Bike-Sharing Patterns (2018)
- Predict number of bikes required at a given point using a bike sharing data set
- Vehicle Detection (2018) [code]
- Detection of vehicles in images and video sequences.
- Deep Learning based Driving Behavioral Cloning (2018) [code] [demovideo]
- Program for imitating the driving behavior of a person.
- Traffic Sign Detection and Classification (2018) [code]
- Deep Learning Approach for image based traffic sign detection.
- Advanced Lane Line Detection (2018) [code] [demovideo]
- Extraction of lane lines in images and video sequences.
- Simple Lane Line Detection (2018) [code]
- Extraction of lane lines in images and video sequences.